Detector information

Detector information - Gain, read noise, etc

How to align the Narrow or Wide camera

How to align the Narrow or Wide camera


Filters Info

Set Focus

- every time you change filters -

Send focus offsets from the Clio GUI to set the focus to the value indicated in the table below. To get the current bayside Z focus position, either ask the AO operator use the BoardGUI on

Current Focus Positions

Moving the star on Clio2

Orientation of telescope az/el, bayside x/y, and nod x/y on the Clio chip (as displayed in ds9), and which way the star will go when you move the paddleOrientation of telescope az/el, bayside x/y, and nod x/y on the Clio chip (as displayed in ds9), and which way the star will go when you move the paddle

Filter Wheel Positions

These are set by choosing "Wavelength" in the CLIO Motor Control GUI. However, if you want to script a filter change, you need these wheel positions. When you move wheel 3 to change the filter, wheel 4 will move to the appropriate location automatically. Don't know if these are right as of the new filters on 2014A (April).
Filter Wheel Position
J 3 2
H 3 3
Ks 3 4
3.1 3 5
3.3 3 6
L' 3 8