Spectroscopy is done with a prism+Lspec filter and a slit.
We have 3 slits that are oriented vertically.
In the Narrow cam the slit is at the left edge of the frame and the spectrum is dispersed to the right.
In the Wide cam the slit is approximately in the middle of the frame.
Lspec filter
Lspec passes 2.8-4.2um
Spectral Resolution
Using the Narrow slit
R~80-100 at 2.9 microns
R~250-300 at 4.1 microns
--Jordan Stone, 2014/11/23
Prism Dispersion
Here's a nod pair of images of an A star taken with the slit and prism in but no filter (Narrow cam). You can see J,H,K,L, and M bands. J and H are almost right on top of each other and K is not very dispersed. The L-band portion is the main part you will see. The M-band portion is on the right half. --Jordan Stone, 2014/11/24
--Thanks to Jordan Stone and Vanessa Bailey, University of Arizona
--Page created 2014/11/25 Katie Morzinski