It can be useful to use a script, for example, to take multiple nod sets with dithers in between or even take a nod set, change filter, take a nod set, dither, etc. Scripts for Clio are written in TCL.
Sample observing scripts are on in the directory /home/obs/Programs/ObsScripts.
- ditherscript.tcl - a simple script you can use as a template. Here is what it does:
- set filename prefix with set previxtext "name" [set to "obj_" in the template]
- set integration time with set intent <inttime> [set to 1500 ms in template]
- set number of coadds [10 in template]
- set number of images per nod [10 in template]
- set number of nod cycles [1 in template]
- set dither size (in arc sec) [0.3 in template]
- Loop n times [1 time in template], taking ABBA nods and dithering after each nod
Script header
# Declare variables:
global calon coaddtext darkon datacubeon impernod_stored impernod inttext movestatus prefixtext queryaoon step timeout video xnodset ynodset
# Save TCS & AO header info? 0=no, 1=yes
set useTCSAO 1
if {$useTCSAO != $queryaoon} {QueryAO}
## 1. Select filter (choose one below)
######### Blocked ########
send CLIOMOTORS definepos 3 1
######### J + PK50 ########
send CLIOMOTORS definepos 3 2
######### H + PK50 ########
send CLIOMOTORS definepos 3 3
######### Ks + PK50 ########
send CLIOMOTORS definepos 3 4
######### 3.1 um ########
send CLIOMOTORS definepos 3 5
######### 3.3 um ########
send CLIOMOTORS definepos 3 6
######### 3.9 um ########
send CLIOMOTORS definepos 3 7
######### L' ########
send CLIOMOTORS definepos 3 8
######### M' ########
send CLIOMOTORS definepos 3 9
######### Lspec+Clear #######
send CLIOMOTORS definepos 3 10
######### Prism+Lspec #######
send CLIOMOTORS definepos 3 11
######### Br Gamma ########
send CLIOMOTORS definepos 3 12
## 2. Move to selected filter
send CLIOMOTORS movemotors
# 3. Focus in the selected filter
# Check the focus, and update if not in focus
exec echo all | nc 7102 | grep BAYSIDE_Z > /tmp/tmpfocus.txt
set fi [open "/tmp/tmpfocus.txt"]
set focusinfo [gets $fi]
set currentfocus [lindex $focusinfo 1]
set newfocus [send CLIOMOTORS checkfocus]
set focusdiff [expr {$currentfocus - $newfocus}]
if {$focusdiff != 0} {
send CLIOMOTORS dofocus
after 5000
## FITS files named:
set prefixtext "Achernar"
Select integration time, coadds, cubes, cal
## Integration time, coadds, and cubes, and cal frames
set inttext 0
set coaddtext 1
## 0 = No Cube (Data Co-added like normal Coadds)
## 1 = Cube (Coadds saved as frames in 3-d cube)
set useCube 0
if {$useCube != $datacubeon} {CubeOn}
## (It's actually a toggle)
## 0 = No Cal frames (Just the integration times you asked for)
## 1 = Cal frames (Will save a 0-second 1-coadd file at each new Nod position)
set useCal 0
if {$useCal != $calon} {CalOn}
Choose how many images to take at each position
## How many images do you want to take in each position?
set impernod 5
Set up the nod/dither vector
## Set up the nod vector
## Positive X makes the star move to the Left on the detector
## Positive Y makes the star move Down on the detector
## xy nod/dither sizes in arcseconds
set xsize -1.1
set ysize 0.4
set xnodset $xsize
set ynodset $ysize
Send moves to the Bayside stages
## set dither .5
## Left & right moves the Y stage
## right2 moves the star to the Right
#send MOVEBAYSIDES right2 $dither
#send MOVEBAYSIDES left2 $dither
## Up & down moves the X stage:
#send MOVEBAYSIDES up2 $dither
#send MOVEBAYSIDES down2 $dither
## Take data
## NImg = Take data here without moving
## NNod = AB
-Alycia Weinberger, 2014/04/13
-Katie Morzinski, 2014/10/31